We’re now on Discord!

If you’re a Discord Member or want even better access to the Lost Clipper team, resources, articles, etc. come join us!

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Four Ways We Can Use Your Help Today

Guy and the rest of the Lost Clipper team have been researching the disappearance of the NC14714 Hawaii Clipper for well over twenty years now. We’ve made great strides over the years, sometimes by leaps and bounds and other times in drabs and dribbles. Times are tough these days on a worldwide scale. For you….

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Now on LinkedIn!

Are you on LinkedIn? The Lost Clipper crew would appreciate connecting and networking with you! We’re also on the lookout for any leads, businesses, ideas, or people that might be able to further our common cause… to solve the world’s first hijacking mystery and bring home 15 Americans missing since 1938. The Lost Clipper can now…

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Here’s Where You Come In (Part 2)…

Hello Again! As you recall from yesterday’s poll, we’re making an effort to improve your experience with The Lost Clipper website, blog, and social media pages including facebook, twitter and our youtube channel. We hope you can take a moment to answer a few questions about your experience here on the blog.  As you’ll note,…

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Here’s Where You Come In (Part 1)…

Hello All! In an effort to improve your experience with The Lost Clipper website, blog, and social media pages including facebook, twitter and our youtube channel we hope you can take a moment to answer a few questions about your experience here on the blog.  As you’ll note, we recently changed the look of the…

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