This Day in Aviation: The Hawaii Clipper

by Bryan R. Swopes, This Day in Aviation This day in history, over 80 years ago… 29 July 1938: At 12:08 p.m., local time, the Pan American Airways System flying boat Hawaii Clipper lifted off from the waters of Apra Harbor on the west side of Guam, an island in the western Pacific Ocean. The Clipper was…

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Four Ways We Can Use Your Help Today

Guy and the rest of the Lost Clipper team have been researching the disappearance of the NC14714 Hawaii Clipper for well over twenty years now. We’ve made great strides over the years, sometimes by leaps and bounds and other times in drabs and dribbles. Times are tough these days on a worldwide scale. For you….

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Traces Found of Lost Clipper

Thanks Jamie for your message and I too must keep an open mind as I have been at this for over 16 years and am susceptible to target fixation (tunnel vision).  Proof to another possible ending for the clipper may be found in the news papers from September 1938.  In one article from the Reno…

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